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My grandaughter is 2 years old today! how time flys by........
She was born 16 weeks early and weighed 1lb 14oz and was just over 8 & half inches long
Today she is a very energetic and bright 2 year old (although still small for her age) She can count to 12 and she sings and dances and loves life.
Her favourite character is Peppa Pig and as Issy Boo is such a special little girl I thought I would make her favourite Chocolate cake in the shape of Peppa Pig
My nearest branch invited me to their meeting and I was especially pleased when the branch organiser asked if I would speak about the activities I do on the Internet.
I arrived at the meeting at 7:45pm and after saying our "hello, good to see you" we made our way to the meeting room.
Neil (the local Branch organiser) started the meeting off with a talk about our England flag and how so many people are 'patriotic' during the football seasons. How sad it is when the football is over the flags come down.
Neil then went on to speak about a subject so close to my heart, our children.......
I have 4 adult children and 14 grandchildren and the situation we are in today their futures and that of their children worries me immensely.
It concerns me that they will not be educated the truth of British history, it concerns me they will not have the freedoms I had as a child, it concerns me they will be taught by marxist teachers, it especially concerns me that my 5 year old grandchildren will be taught sex education.
It particularly concerns me that my grandchildren will be living under a dictatorship of a foreign state (Will someone please explain why my daddy and grandad fought for our freedoms during the 1st and 2nd wars)
It concerns me that they will live under sharia law. Oh yes I am very very concerned for my grandchildren and I know the only way our children are going to survive is with the British National Party in government
After Neil's talk I went to the front and spoke of my Internet activities and mostly how important it is for me to keep in touch with my friends and members of the BNP
I told of my visits to the 'main site' my next stop is at the Home of the Green Arrow then im off the the Paltalk room to meet GA, Bertie Bert and other regulars to catch up with the days news, to share ideas and play music from time to time. You can access Paltalk through the Green Arrow site (look for link on right hand side on home page)
We had a little chat with Tim Rait about the election results and how the BNP vote increased despite what the media and ignorant marxists say
Returning to the subject of our childrens future watch the video below and ask yourself.........
Is this the future you want for your children?