
Friday, 13 March 2009

Domestic Violence The Hidden Truth

Theres has been quite a bit about Domestic Violence in the news this week.
Mori have completed a poll that found many Britons have an 'unacceptable' attitude to domestic violence, with one in five saying a woman deserves to be hit for wearing revealing clothes in public. I suspect many of those polled were Muslim The poll also revealed that almost one in seven said women who nagged their husbands deserved to be hit. One in ten said it was a woman's fault that she was sexually or violently assaulted if she flirted beforehand. More than a third said female rape victims who were drunk were at least partially responsible for the attack, the survey found.
Mori failed to say if the poll was men, women or both participating My thoughts would be the latter.
In response to the poll Jackboots Smith held a breakfast in Westminster with women's groups to outline plans for police to keep detailed records of men with a history of abuse, women would then be informed if they start a relationship with such a man!
Where does that woman get off?
Most women dont inform the police anyway so how are they to keep a register? and what of the men that are abused? shouldnt men also be informed before starting a relationship with a pre menstral or a post menopausal nut case?
Men have the raw deal once again. Unfortunately there is still a belief among some that men simply cannot be victims of domestic violence. This makes it even more difficult for male victims to confide in anyone about what is happening which can lead to the same depression, despair, low self esteem, feelings of hopelessness and isolation that women feel.

6.4% of men in England and Wales between the ages of 20 and 24 say they were victims of abuse in 2008
5.4% of women in the same age group reported being victims of domestic violence

Two in 10 men have experienced domestic abuse since the age of 16
Three in 10 women have experienced the same abuse
One in six men will be abused by their partner in their lifetime

There are 500 refuges for female victims of DV and only 12 for men....... I ask why ?

Please take a look at Mankind

Thursday, 12 March 2009

I'm Back :-)

When I set up this Blog I didn't really know how I was going to make the best use of 'my space' I wanted a place where I could write my thoughts and opinions. These last few weeks have been particularly hard for me in many ways and I have been too angry to write anything that would make sense. My mummy taught me "If you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all" so I have chosen not to say anything.
I always had the most utmost respect for my mummy and I'm sure if she was alive today she would know that although sometimes when things are said they may sound 'not nice' the truth is, the truth hurts sometimes.
So getting back to my Blog (my space) I have decided I will use 'my space' to write my thoughts and opinions whether I please or offend, I do believe that bottling things is a bad thing one thing for sure is that in 'my space' it will always be the truth.