
Thursday, 12 March 2009

I'm Back :-)

When I set up this Blog I didn't really know how I was going to make the best use of 'my space' I wanted a place where I could write my thoughts and opinions. These last few weeks have been particularly hard for me in many ways and I have been too angry to write anything that would make sense. My mummy taught me "If you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all" so I have chosen not to say anything.
I always had the most utmost respect for my mummy and I'm sure if she was alive today she would know that although sometimes when things are said they may sound 'not nice' the truth is, the truth hurts sometimes.
So getting back to my Blog (my space) I have decided I will use 'my space' to write my thoughts and opinions whether I please or offend, I do believe that bottling things is a bad thing one thing for sure is that in 'my space' it will always be the truth.

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